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The best thing about this blog is it's free. It has a lot of helpful advice and essential information for people who are struggling with anxiety or just want to learn more about how to conquer it. If you're looking for a great blog, you've found it! This site will help you feel less stressed in no time at all. There's a lot of great advice and vital information on this blog that will help anyone who is struggling with anxiety or simply wants to learn more about how to defeat it. And the best part is that the content on the site is 100% free!Contributor Biography My name is Devin Leman and I am 20 years old from Corona California, USA. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for a very long time. I have been able to get it under control through medication, but I feel that I should be able to get rid of it completely. This blog is my personal resource for information about how to beat anxiety and depression, whether you're a teen or an adult. I will aim to provide useful information about matters related to anxiety and depression, especially in regards to how they can affect teenagers and adults alike. I will absolutely be sharing my personal experience with the topic, as well as advice from other people who have helped me get through various stages of overcoming this disorder. I will undoubtedly be trying to provide all the insightful information needed to make you feel better about yourself. There are many great books on the topic of defeating anxiety. However, most of them are either too technical or unnecessarily long. I have decided to create this blog because I feel that it would be a huge help for someone who is just beginning their journey, or who has trouble with it on a regular basis. I will write and write and write and write and write, so you don't have to, and can get your life back on track. I am a huge advocate of medication when dealing with anxiety disorders. I have been able to maintain a stable dose of Prozac from ages 16-20. As I was approaching the end of my college career, I began to feel that my condition was worsening. A new medication would be the only thing that could truly help me beat this beast once and for all. However, it's expensive. In fact, it's quite expensive. The drug I've been taking would cost approximately $250 a month. And that's just the beginning of it. It's been a long journey to get here, but I have finally come to understand just how important this blog is in order for me to combat my problem on a daily basis. I am going to continue writing and blogging often in the hopes that it will not only help me feel better about myself, but also help others struggling with anxiety or depression in some way. This blog will be completely free of advertisements and sponsored posts from pharmaceutical companies. cfa1e77820

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